Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Cost of Diabetes in Australia Soars
The cost of diabetes to Australia is alarming.. that's been borne out by two separate reports last week.
The number of Australian children with Type 1 diabetes is already high by international standards, but the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare estimates the number will have jumped by a further ten percent in the five years to 2013.
The findings come amid calls for annual kidney screening tests to pick up the early signs of kidney disease helping those with Type 2, or adult-onset diabetes.
Experts say the screening would be at least as cost-effective as breast cancer screening has proven to be.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Schools Failing Diabetes Pupils
Northern Ireland's education department is failing the needs of diabetic pupils who need regular insulin injections, the charity Diabetes UK has said.
While some primary school teachers have agreed to give pupils lunchtime insulin injections, others are refusing.
The teachers said that, according to the guidance received from the department, it is the responsibility of parents and not the schools.
The department said it was working with education boards to resolve the issue.
SDLP MLA Conall McDevitt is a member of the Assembly education committee.
He has a seven-year-old daughter who suffers from type one diabetes.
'Out of date'Mr McDevitt said new guidelines were needed for the school-time treatment of diabetic children.
"The guidelines that the department have are totally out of date.
"They are basically making it impossible, except by voluntary agreement, for children to receive their lunchtime insulin injections while at school.
"This is, basically, undermining some children's right to an education."
Diabetes UK spokesperson Florence Findlay White said each diabetic child had a care plan that was implemented by specialist nurses.
"We would like to see every school which has a child with diabetes have somebody in that school who has the knowledge and the understanding and training to be able to supervise and administer insulin, if that's what's necessary, and to know how to look after that child if their blood sugar is too high or too low."
The minister of education was not available for comment, but in a statement the department said: "Training is offered to all school principals to help them meet the needs of children with medication needs.
"However, there is no legal duty that requires school staff to administer medication. This is a voluntary role."
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Type 2 Diabetes on the Rise in Children
Just a few years ago type two
Unfortunately we're seeing more and more children develop type two diabetes. The reason? Lifestyle.
According to the director of Bay County's diabetes center, Jo Colville, "We are a heavy population. Florida is one of the heaviest. And weight tends to trigger diabetes, especially type two diabetes in individuals and so we're seeing an increase number of those."
With 25 percent of the population projected to have diabetes by the year 2050, Colville says we need to fight the problem now.
"Super sized industry that has taken over America in terms of eating habits you know it's got to get back to the old tried and true; eating specific portions and that will definitely help control blood
But watching what you eat isn't the only concern.
Colville says, "Exercise plays an important part as well and that too is something we don't do as much as we did back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, and so that's contributing to the obesity and contributing to the diabetes."
According to Colville, a great place to start is with our kids.
"Especially PE in school that is something that probably needs to come back in order to improve children's health since we're seeing so many children with type two diabetes and obesity; that's a huge issue and I hope that educational leaders will consider that in the future."
Being diagnosed with diabetes is shocking enough. Now, some patients are learning they suffer from two different types of diabetes at the same time. It's being called type 3 diabetes, a new and dangerous condition that has health officials concerned.
Diabetes 3 means the brain is no longer secreting enough insulin and in turn the brain's cells will deteriorate. As the brain cells stop working, the brain's receptors also decline in function. Some believe Alzheimer's is actually diabetes type 3.