Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Millions of People Live with Diabetes

Millions of People Live with Diabetes

More than 300 million people live with diabetes around the world. Within a generation, that number is expected to reach half a billion. 8.5% of European adults have diabetes. This is no small number, especially considering an estimated 630,000 Europeans died from diabetes and its complications in 2010.

On the occasion of the World Diabetes Day 2010, Chris J Delicata, Chairman of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), European Region, stated that “more than €85 billion will be spent on treating diabetes and its complications in Europe this year. This is spent to treat this life-long condition and the serious complications associated with it. It’s a huge cost for the global health budget but inevitable in the circumstances”.

Starting today, people from all corners of the world are uniting together for 3 days of celebration to put diabetes firmly in the public spotlight. World Diabetes Day is the best opportunity there is to draw attention to the silent killer that is diabetes. Celebrated every year on November 14, World Diabetes Day was initiated in 1991 by the IDF and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat that diabetes poses to the global community.

“World Diabetes Day is a great opportunity to unite and increase understanding and awareness of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). With better awareness, people may understand the risks associated with diabetes and take control immediately before it is too late,” Mr Delicata said.

IDF’s Chief Executive Officer, Ann Keeling said that the world is finally waking up to the threat of diabetes and other NCDs. The UN General Assembly voted unanimously to hold a UN High Level Summit on NCDs in September 2011.

“The UN Summit will bring heads of state, government representatives, NGOs and public health experts together to discuss the global threat and commit to the global response required for diabetes and other NCDs,” she said.

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